Update Post #1

A upcoming tutorial series

Hey guys!

First of all, huge thanks to everyone who has viewed, shared, and left feedback on RandomMomentania! These past few days have been amazing and I’m am super excited to keep making great tutorials!

From preparing to launch this website, to launching, to fixing some last minute problems, the last few weeks have been a blur of activity. Despite all of this, I have a bunch of things to share!

New (free) tutorial

A new tutorial has been released for free. Now everyone can view the Godot Touch Screen Joystick Tutorial!

Touch screen joysticks are very common in most mobile games because of how they allow for intuitive and smooth control over things like movement and rotation.

The tutorial shows how to make a multi-touch compatible, performance friendly, configurable touch screen joystick for your games!

Roadmap Launched

Want to know what’s coming soon, what is on the TODO list, and more? Now you can! I have posted everything on the newly created Roadmap!

Right now the roadmap is only available for patrons. Anyone at the 1$ tier or higher can see what is on the roadmap, which currently has the following:

  • A list of tutorials in progress
  • A TODO list of all the tutorials I plan on making
  • A back burner list of tutorials that would be cool to make, but I’m not quite confident enough to make them right now.

Go give it a look! There are lots of new tutorials in the works, and I have a HUGE list of tutorials I plan on making in the future!

Upcoming tutorial series sneak peek

Here is a little sneak peek of a upcoming tutorial series! This tutorial series will only be available for patrons 😃

The plan is to have the finished project for the tutorial done by the end of August at the latest.

The project is going great, so I’m optimistic that I will be done sooner rather than later, which means I can move straight to the next part: writing the tutorials!

I am entering Demake Jam

Edit: I am no longer entering Demake Jam, see the reason below!

The final bit of news I wanted to share is I will be entering Demake Jam, which starts on August 14th to August 25th.

The idea behind Demake jam is to take a game and demake it. A demake is, according to Wikipedia:

A demake is a video game remake on an older platform, or one which converts the game to an older graphical or gameplay style.

I think I know exactly what I am doing for this jam, and I am very excited to enter!

I highly recommend trying out a game jam if you have never tried one before. Demake jam runs for 11 days, which is great because it puts a lot of the time pressure off.

Feel free to join me for Demake jam if you want! Game jams are great for stretching and learning new things!

I’ll be posting updates as I work on the jam on my Twitter page if you want to see updates as I go along.

Once the jam is over, I’ll make a post explaining how I did, what I could have done better, and of course linking to where you can play the game!

I’d be happy to add a section to the post after the jam going over the games you guys have made too! Once the jam period is over, let me know on Twitter if you’d like me to look at your game and I’ll take a look at it and write a brief summary of what I thought about it!

(Would you guys like to see my tips/tricks that I use when entering game jams? If you guys want I share my tips and tricks that I use when entering game jams)


Unfortunately, I have tried to prototype a couple games for Demake jam and I’m just not able to get any ideas off the ground. I have decided to not join the jam since I do not want to join a make a sub par game, all the while fighting the process and not having fun.

Thankfully, I can put the time I was going to use for making a game jam game into making more tutorials! My apologizes for the sudden change!

I realized I couldn’t get anything off the ground and it was starting to cause stress, which will not result in a fun game and will make the jam a slog as opposed to something fun. Hopefully next time I enter a jam everything will work out, I’ll be able to have fun and make a cool game.

That is all I have to share for now! If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below!