Changes in direction

Hey guys!

With 2018 over and a brand new year just beginning, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the plans for RandomMomentania going forward in 2019.

While there were ups and downs, overall we had a great 2018 and cannot wait to move into 2019 with exciting new changes!

Change of focus

RandomMomentania’s previous business model was to make great tutorials, some available for free, and most requiring a Patreon subscription.

The idea was, that we could offer high quality tutorials at an affordable price that would allow us to keep making. On the side we’d work on both free tutorials and making full games. This allowed us to try new things, sharpen our skills, all the while making quality tutorials for patrons.

However, this didn’t work out. After some unfortunate issues with Patreon, RandomMomentania had to drop Patreon in order to protect the content we create.

This gave us a great opportunity to evolve RandomMomentania and push ourselves in new and exciting directions. Moving forward, we have made some major changes to how we plan on doing things in 2019.

Creating full games

The primary thing we’re changing is how we plan to support RandomMomentania. Moving forward, we plan to create great, fully featured games and other products as a way to support RandomMomentania in 2019.

So, what kind of things are we going to create? First of, we plan to make our primary focus on making high quality games that we feel are fun, interesting, and/or worth your time. We have high standards for everything we do here at RandomMomentania, and we are applying that same standard to the games we create.

As for our products, the plan is to put anything we create that is not a game or tutorial there. Right now the plans are not quite set in stone, but the tentative plans are to put things like tee-shirts, mugs, and other merchandise there relating to the games we create on the products page, along with any software we make that is not a game.

Right now we are working hard on making high quality games and we cannot wait to share more soon!

Tutorial changes

Tutorials on RandomMomentania are not going away, in fact, they’re getting even better for everyone.

First of all, almost all tutorials we make moving forward will be available to everyone, completely for free!

We want to give back to the great community that has helped RandomMomentania over the years. We believe that anyone can make games, so we want to make our game development tutorials available for any and all inspiring game developers out there.

All the same standards and quality we set ourselves to when working on our tutorials still applies in 2019. We still want to focus on making high quality tutorials showing as much of the game development process as we can.

Another change we are making to tutorials is using MarkDeep! Prior to this change, we were making tutorials using a WYSIWYG editor on WordPress, which was slow and difficult to work with. Now that we are using MarkDeep, tutorial editing is much faster, smoother, and overall easier to work with.

We still plan to make great tutorials in 2019. We hope that if you guys like the tutorials, you’ll consider buying one of our games so we can continue to keep creating!

We have exciting tutorials planned for 2019 that we cannot wait to create and share!

(We may make some paid tutorial series and projects available to buy in the future. We’re not 100% sure yet, but we want to make the majority of tutorials we make completely free!)

Website changes

RandomMomentania’s homepage has changed to reflect the new vision we are taking in 2019!

Another change we made is how the navigation menu on the top of each page is ordered. We hope these changes make it easier to navigate around while not being too cluttered and confusing.

Finally, we’ve made some changes so posts take up more of the horizontal space when it is available. This makes it way easier to read tutorials on desktop, especially on big displays, while still making it comfortable to read on mobile devices.

With all of these changes, let us know what you guys think! We hope these changes will make it easier and more enjoyable to be on our website.

Video tutorials?

In the past few months we have been looking into various ways to make video tutorials. Unfortunately, we do not have very much experience making video tutorials, and the space we were in was too noisy for quality recordings.

However, a good friend has graciously allowed us to borrow some space in their studio, which opens up the possibility for video tutorials! We’re now actively looking into the various steps it takes to make video tutorials.

Right now we’re still learning the ropes, but hopefully we’ll be able to make the occasional video tutorial sometime in 2019!


In summary: we are making full games primarily as a way to sustain RandomMomentania, while still making great free tutorials.

We think this is an exciting new chapter for RandomMomentania, and we cannot wait to share the cool new games and tutorials we’ve been working on!

If you have any questions, feedback, or any other comments, let us know in the comments section below! We’d love to hear what you think, and we hope you are as excited for 2019 as we are!

(The picture above is from the Godot voxel terrain tutorial part 2, which is coming very soon! You can find Part 1 here!)

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