2020 Update

Hey everyone!

It’s been a awhile since I’ve last posted anything on RandomMomentania, but that’s due to a whirlwind of things happening both behind the scenes and publicly. Since the last update written, January 7th 2019, a ton of stuff has happened I cannot wait to share some of it below:

New Free Game: You Are Not Welcome Here HD Remaster

I just released a new free game called You Are Not Welcome Here HD Remaster. It is a remake of an older jam game I created with a similar, but non-HD title. The game has new puzzles, a new layout, high quality graphics, and overall is a better version of You Are Not Welcome here. Here’s a screenshot from the game:

If you’re interested, you can find the game here on Itch.IO: https://twistedtwigleg.itch.io/you-are-not-welcome-here-hd-remaster

Google Summer of Code 2020

This summer, I have had the amazing opportunity to be selected to work on the Godot Game engine, implementing new and exciting IK solutions that can benefit all Godot engine users. It was a blast and a lot of really exciting work got done. You can find my Google Summer of Code report here: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#5504216782602240

There is still more work to be done, but I am confident that it I can get it finished for Godot 4.0! It was amazing working with the Godot team, especially my mentor Joan! I would highly recommend any students looking to work over the summer to try submitting for Google Summer of Code, it is a great experience.

New tutorials

Technically this isn’t fresh news, as its been out for awhile, but I haven’t mentioned it here on RandomMomentania yet! There are two new tutorials released since the last update post: A Color Mask tutorial and a 3D gizmo tutorial that works during run-time.

Both tutorials have been out for awhile, but if you are interested, please go check them out!

Product Reviews

You read that right, we now have a few product reviews here on RandomMomentania! You can find them on the new reviews section. While the products we review may be sent to us, we always write honest reviews of what we think of the product.

If you are a company and have products you’d like RandomMomentania to review, please get in touch!

RandomMomentania Website changes

Finally, a few changes have occurred on RandomMomentania behind the scenes. Most of these are minor, but one of the more visual and important changes are that comments are now disabled! Having a comment system was really slowing down the server that both RandomMomentania and the Godot Community forums rely on, and so I disabled them to help speed things up.

That’s about it for now! As I said in the beginning, lots of things have changed over the year since I’ve last written. I would highly suggest following my Twitter if you are interested in staying more up-to-date with what I am doing, and if you are interested in game development, I would highly suggest joining the Godot Community Forums as well.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you in the next update post!